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Free commercial vehicle journey planner launched

‘Navigating Britain’s roads continues to get tougher for freight operators, with lots of restrictions governing vehicle movements,’ said Freddie Talberg, CEO of PIE Mapping.

‘We’ve been developing the Freight Journey Planner to directly address this issue and are delighted to launch this free service using high-quality freight specific data from an array of sources, including directly from councils.

‘We hope this helps operators and drivers to comply with the preferred routes and rules of local authority road networks.’

According to Talberg, the system will continue to evolve following its launch through partnerships with more local authorities to capture as much local data as possible.

‘This local authority data will make the routing even more accurate and help the Freight Journey Planner to become a valuable day to day tool for freight operators throughout Britain.’

The Freight Journey Planner can be accessed via a dedicated website and is available to use now.

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