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Northgate & Van Monster support “Look out for each other” campaign

The organisations are supporting Road Safety Week with their Bright Van Man initiative by providing the following key precautions that all drivers can take to protect vulnerable road users such as cyclists, pedestrians and road workers:

  1. Slow down: Stay within speed limits at all times, lower your speed to 20 in residential areas and slow down for bends, brows and in bad weather.
  2. Look for Longer: Ensure you look carefully and look longer when turning or manoeuvring, especially for cyclists and motorcyclists.
  3. Check Blind Spots: Be aware of your vehicle’s blind spots, avoid making any dangerous manoeuvres and be careful when manoeuvring.
  4. Overtake with Care: Give motorists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car, and make sure you have enough room to complete your overtaking manoeuvre before committing yourself to it.

‘Road Safety Week gives us an opportunity to promote to our staff and customers just how important it is to look out for one another when on the road,' explained Colin Gilstin, group safety & environment manager at Northgate PLC.

'There are a mix of road users, like cyclists, runners and motorway road workers, who are in a vulnerable position and only drivers can protect them from dangerous manoeuvres, high speeds and bad driver behaviour. With the help of our safety mascot, Bright Van Man, we aim to raise the awareness of driver safety and hope that everyone looks out for each other when out on the road.’

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