‘More than half (51%) of respondents to our survey said that they would worry about how good a tradesman was if they couldn’t afford to drive a decent work vehicle. And over a third (39%) said they would be concerned about their reliability,’ explained Andy Alderson, managing director of Vanarama.
‘With the economic outlook in the construction sector and related trades particularly good at the moment it would be easy for tradesmen to think they don’t need to worry about the condition of the van they drive. But we believe our research highlights that to make the most of the current market opportunities, having the best tools for the job – including a smart and up to date van – will pay dividends.’
The survey of 2,000 consumers also revealed that for nearly half (49%) of respondents, the age of a tradesman’s vehicle is important, and for nearly two-thirds (59%) being able to see a company logo on a vehicle gives confidence in the quality of work to be done.
The Vanarama research also underlined the importance of tradesmen being able to show evidence of certified technical skills. 93% of respondents said this was important to give them confidence in the work to be undertaken. And 70% said that how the tradesman was dressed when they visited their property was important. But the research also emphasised that the condition and age of a tradesman’s vehicle can have a significant impact on their business too.
‘Of course, some businesses may be wary of replacing an older vehicle because of concerns about future income. But we believe this could be a false economy,’ Alderson added.
‘Our research reinforces what many of us already know – first impressions count. But we think some tradesmen may not realise just how influential their works vehicle is in them being able to get work.’