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Van driver deaths show dangers of fatigue

Fleets are being reminded of the dangers of driver fatigue after a Doncaster-based consultancy firm was found guilty of breaches of the Health and Safety at Work Act in relation to the deaths of two drivers it employed.

The AFP said there was a complete breakdown of fleet management health and safety

The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) told Nottingham Crown Court that Renown Consultants Limited had failed to ensure the two drivers were sufficiently rested to work and travel safely.

The court heard that Zac Payne, 20, and Michael Morris, 48, died following a crash at around 5:30am on 19 June 2013 when Payne fell asleep at the wheel of a company van while driving back to his employer’s Doncaster depot after a night shift in Stevenage. The vehicle veered off the motorway, crashing into a parked van.

He had been on the road since 4:30am the previous morning, when he had driven to Alnmouth, Northumberland, to carry out welding work which didn’t materialise. During the return journey to Doncaster, he was allocated a further job in Stevenage and, collecting Morris to help, set off from the depot at 7:18pm before arriving at the site at 9:47pm. Both men started the work at 11:15pm, completing it at 3:40am before heading back to Doncaster.

ORR told the court that Payne was suffering the effects of fatigue and may have fallen asleep at the wheel or experienced what were described as “microsleeps”.

Ian Prosser, chief inspector of railways at the ORR, said: “Fatigue is a real and known risk which reduces alertness and affects performance. Today’s tragic case shows the fatal consequences that can occur when fatigue policies are disregarded. Safety comes first and ORR will continue to monitor and take action where companies do not take sufficient care to ensure their workforce is not too tired to work.”

The Association of Fleet Professionals (AFP) – the newly formed organisation which merges ACFO and the ICFM’s operations – said it was the first prosecution for van driver fatigue it had heard of and a very worrying case.

Paul Hollick, co-chair of the AFP, said: “There was a complete breakdown of fleet management health and safety. The driver had been at work for more than 24 hours, creating a hugely risky situation that should never have occurred.

“There were multiple failures. Before accepting the second job in Stevenage from a customer, the company had not checked whether it had sufficient well-rested employees or followed its own fatigue management procedures, for welding as well as driving.

“Also, Mr Payne should never have been behind the wheel of the van in the first place. He was only 20 and the company’s fleet insurance policy stipulated a minimum age of 25. This is a fundamental failure of management.”

A further issue highlighted by the ORR was that because both men were on zero hours contracts and reliant on Renown for securing welding qualifications, there was an incentive to accept any work that was offered.

“Fleets operating zero hours contracts need to be especially careful to not create situations where employees feel pressured into accepting work when they know they are tired, and when their own procedures are likely to be flouted.

“What this shows is that the elements of any fleet health and safety policy that deal with fatigue should not be ignored under any circumstances. Tired drivers are dangerous drivers, both to themselves and other road users, and the consequences can be tragic, as this case shows.”

AFP advice suggests that all organisations operating company cars and vans have a fatigue policy in place within their fleet and company policies that it is applied across the business.

Hollick said: “As this example shows, the application of the policy of vital. This is a subject that we take very seriously and are here to offer help and advice to any fleet professionals who feel they need assistance in managing this area. It is all about preventing needless deaths like these.”

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Written by Natalie Middleton

Natalie has worked as a fleet journalist for over 20 years, previously as assistant editor on the former Company Car magazine before joining Fleet World in 2006. Prior to this, she worked on a range of B2B titles, including Insurance Age and Insurance Day.

Natalie edits all the Fleet World websites and newsletters, and loves to hear about any latest industry news.

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