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Van fleets face up to £6.50 daily charge to use Silvertown and Blackwall tunnels

Van fleets could be charged up to £6.50 to use the Silvertown and Blackwall Tunnels from spring 2025 under plans.

Transport for London (TfL) has set out its recommendation for a package of discounts, exemptions and charges for the two tunnels, ahead of the new Silvertown Tunnel opening in spring 2025.

The tunnel charges, which will be decided by the TfL Board on 4 December, are required as part of the development consent for the new tunnel and were first proposed in 2012.

Charges will be replicated across the Blackwall Tunnel, which has been free to use since it opened in 1897, to ensure traffic levels there don’t rise.

Following public consultation this summer, TfL is recommending that charges are levied between 06:00 and 22:00, seven days a week.

At peak times (from 06:00 to 10:00 and 16:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday), cars and small vans are expected to face a £4 charge, falling to £1.50 outside of these hours when paying via AutoPay.

Fees for large vans are set out at £6.50 peak and £2.50 off-peak, while HGVs will be £10 peak and £5 off-peak and motorbikes will be £2.50 and £1.50 respectively. To qualify for the off-peak rates, motorists must use AutoPay.

The recommended charges, discounts and exemptions align with those originally proposed in the consultation, but with a minor amendment to classify Class N2 electric vans up to 4.25-tonnes GVW as Class N1 light vans, ensuring they’re not charged more due to their weight placing them in a higher user charge category.

TfL has also proposed a range of concessions and discounts for residents and businesses. These include a £1 discount on the standard off-peak charge for at least one year for small businesses, sole traders and charities registered in Tower Hamlets, Newham and Greenwich. It’s also set out a 50% discount for low-income residents in 12 east and south east London boroughs and the City of London.

Taxis, blue badge holders and Zero-Emission Capable and wheelchair-accessible private hire vehicles registered with TfL will not pay to use the tunnel, as well as staff and patients eligible for the NHS reimbursement scheme.

TfL says user charges are needed to manage traffic, pay back construction costs and cover operation and maintenance costs.

Its recent consultation saw more than 5,000 responses, with a range of views taken into account.

The TfL Board will decide on the package of initial charges, discounts and exemptions at its meeting on 4 December.

Once confirmed, TfL will carry out a marketing campaign to encourage drivers to sign up to TfL AutoPay, ensuring Londoners can benefit from the off-peak discounts from launch.

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Written by Natalie Middleton

Natalie has worked as a fleet journalist for over 20 years, previously as assistant editor on the former Company Car magazine before joining Fleet World in 2006. Prior to this, she worked on a range of B2B titles, including Insurance Age and Insurance Day.

Natalie edits all the Fleet World websites and newsletters, and loves to hear about any latest industry news.

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